Linggo, Setyembre 30, 2018

Whatever Allah wills

I'm not going to write what 5 things, people, God himself, or anything that exist, I am thankful for now just like what I do on the past posts. I realized I have so many to thank for and I've been performing Dhikr(Hope I'm right), wherein I, in my heart, thank Allah, or even when I pray. I just recite it inside me, and not only that, I also even invoke it. I say it. From to time, I say, "Praise be to God or Alhamdulillah", Subhnallah, LailahaillAllah, Allahukabar. When we say those 4 words, we are planted a tree in Paradise. Wow. I am trying to control my excitement. I could've put an exclamation mark on that wow. Still, I didn't. Why? Because I don't think I need to. I just need to place my trust in Allah, and remain calm, patient, disciplined. I love Allah. Why again should I control my emotions just like that excitement? If I don't, I won't have discipline I need to perform as a good human being. How do I define success?

Simple. SUCCESS. That's it. God grants infinite power from himself to us, and the free flowing energy around us makes me think good things about success. SUCCESS, the true one, as stated in the Quran, is reaching Jannah Paradise. We should have paradise here first, before we get to Jannah, as stated in the Quran. So make your life good. Surround it with good, by being good. Let what comes out from you externally, to be passed on to others, to be heard by God, seen by him, be good. Good words. Good deeds.

Sabado, Setyembre 29, 2018

All praises are for Allah

In the name of Allah,

I am grateful for:

1. The sky
2. The moon
3. The stars
4. Friends
5. Carpenters

May Allah forgives us all our sins. May he cleanse our souls and grant us an easy path to Jannah or Paradise. I love Allah. I love Prophet Muhammad and all the prophets. I love my brothers. I respect my sisters. Blogger is such a nice platform for writing. I love writing. It reduces stress. I get to spread good too. Subhanallah. God is perfect. That is what Subhanallah means. Such a great phrase. I want to remove greed from my soul. I want to live a humble life for Allah. I am thankful that my parents are still alive. We had our eldest sister in the family pass away from Leukemia. If you could pray for her and do it, I would be thankful. Whatever Allah wills, I must accept. I trust him. He is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth. Some relatives have come, and a carpenter of mom. Am I correct? I just heard. I have read that we shouldn't narrate to others our sins. I think if we do that, we could transfer evil ideas others might copy. Instead, we should talk and act good.

It's Sunday

This is a good day.

My Lord Allah, I am grateful for:

1. My breathing
2. My thinking
3. My seeing
4. You
5. Me

I get to relax today without schedules except on praying the obligatory prayers. I have 15 minutes to go for writing on this. In the afternoon, I will write again. On the evening, again. Praise be to God. I am oh so thankful. May he forgive us all our sins. God willing. How are you? Are you fine? Are you alright? I hope you are. Today is a good day. I think it can be both good and great. I don't believe much in Zodiac Signs anymore. Not that much anymore. I am scared of Allah. Allah is the God we all worship. Be you a Christian, I know in your heart and spirit, you call on the real God. Allah is an Arabic name for God. Maybe that's he's real name, really. The devil really whispers in us, as told by a video. They are evil. Good thing that the mercy of Allah embraces all things. Without guidance from our Lord, we would do things without knowing if it's right or wrong. We would become like animals. I just turned off the fan again, after turning it on. I want to preserve energy. I want to help my family. There is a ceiling fan here. It gives air to the PC. The heat is beneath the Laptop. I still hope that it will work out fine and doesn't have a problem like a blue screen or restarting consistently in improper shutdown. Writing is fun. I am writing, ain't I? You may say, "You are typing". Still, I am writing. May my words help spread good. God willing, I will reach Paradise. I ask for forgiveness for my family.

Biyernes, Setyembre 28, 2018

I am pleased with Allah

Praise be to God.

I thankful to my Lord, Allah, for these:

1. Boats
2. Planes
3. Jets
4. Clouds
5. Rain

There are lots of things to be thankful for. It is said that if you try to count the blessings of Allah to us, it would not end.

"My mercy embraces all things." [Quran 7:156]

I am thankful as well for this laptop of my mom that she allowed me to borrow. I love poverty. I know it's hard, and you could lose your faith when struck by it. But when we had no electricity a few days ago, in consecutive or in rows of days, I guess 4 days, I still prayed and prayed consistently. I think it was the first time I combined a prayer, during that time. It was so hot in my bed, and it was dark already. It was night. I combined Maghrib and Isha. I'm not quite sure of how to combine a prayer, but I still did based on what I understand. For me, I guess, you just combine the rakaats. So that means, on my part, I should've prayed 8 rakaats. But I only prayed 5 as I wasn't feeling comfortable at that moment. 3 for Maghrib and 2 for Isha. At least I am learning. I then transferred to the bed of my mom close to a window. There's this thing called growth mindset wherein you appreciate a person's work based on the effort, not the outcome. For example, your classmate got an A on the test. You say, "Hey, you did a pretty good job" instead of "You're smart for getting an A". Your classmate who got a C can also be smart. Maybe he's just creative or has a different kind of learning skill. 3 minutes left on the clock. Patience is a key element of success.

"Indeed, Allah is with the patient". Surah Al-Baqarah [2:153]

Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God)

Mom just got big money. I think she got a client. She paid her, maybe some P150,000 or more. I hope it would become like a million and even more so that I could be sent to the hospital, and there is still enough for the family. Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God), some of my prayers have been answered.

Thank you, my Lord Allah, for:

1. This new morning
2. Your infinite blessings
3. True happiness
4. Good life
5. Satisfaction and contentment

I thank the Lord as well for everything I have experienced.


No electricity

We had no electricity the past few days. I think it was 4 days. May Allah forgive us all for our sins. This day, we just got electricity. I think it was somewhere at 4 o'clock that we got it again. Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God).

I'm grateful for:

1. My life
2. Family
3. Provision of Allah
4. Allah's mercy
5. Allah's grace

Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God).

Linggo, Setyembre 23, 2018

I thank God for this new morning

I'm grateful for:

1. New morning
2. Blossom
3. Serenity
4. Bliss
5. Peace

In the name of God. Praise be to him. He is the Lord of all the worlds. Creator of the heavens and the earth, and he owns all that is between them. It is good to have spiritual knowledge. It's good to be back here writing. If you have anything you would like to tell me, you can drop in a comment below. I have read that your life must be paradise here first, before you can enter Jannah. That doesn't always mean that you are wealthy in money, right? The Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him) chose to be poor. As far as I can remember, there was a time that they have to eat leaves of a tree, if I'm correct. Ya Allah. Please provide for us. Make us enter Jannah the easy way. Rich believers, Allah said, will be detained first for some 40 years or 500 years, and the poor believers will enter Jannah first. I'm scared of this, so it's alright for me to live an austere life, provided that I can complete what I can in the 5 pillars of Islam. They say the life in the akhira or the afterlife's time is different from our time here on this world. I think it's much faster there. Allah can do anything. He does what he wills. Let's just trust him. That detainment could be a good place. It's alright. I am becoming contented and satisfied and thankful for what I have. Alhamdulillah.

I love Allah

I create modifications or what's easily termed as "mods". You can check my game modifying page on the links on the right side.

I'm grateful for:

1. Modifications
2. Transformation to good
3. Blessings
4. Care
5. Good

I mostly walk in the game. I do it for that's what I will do when I'm in the place Carl Johnson(CJ) is in. I think of Jannah. I wish my family and I will be there. Insha'Allah(God-willing). I am making life simple and good. My mother told me to make my life simple. Islam is beautiful, says my Janitor friend named Shaq Rahim(Forgive me Ya Allah, if I may have spelled this name wrong). It is such a wonderful hobby to write. I fear Allah much, that is why I abstain from sin. Astaghfirullah(I seek forgiveness from Allah). Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God).

Sabado, Setyembre 22, 2018

God is good eternally

I'm grateful for:

1. The title of this new blog post.
2. Smooth
3. Calm
4. Soothe
5. Happiness

What can I say? God is really good eternally. I'm being careful of my writing. I've read some new lessons in my Islamic journey. We must be humble with our good deeds. We should also prohibit narrating to others our sins or making it known to them. I've removed some posts I've written here back then. If you read the remaining posts, all are good, I hope. Insha'Allah(God-willing), we will reach Jannah. The fan's off here, and I have one at the back of this laptop "on". The one off is the one on the ceiling. Still, I feel a cold brush of air in my skin. Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God).

There is this verse in the Holy Quran(I hope I'm right. God forgive me if I'm wrong), that is a good news for non-Muslims:

“Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah(or God) and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.” (Qur’an 2:62)

I grew up mostly in a region here in the Philippine, Luzon, which has more Christians than Muslims. I have Christian friends and relatives here.

Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God).

I thank God

I'm grateful for:

1. You
2. Me
3. Everybody
4. Everything
5. Thanks

Biyernes, Setyembre 21, 2018


I slept up to afternoon. Not my usual routine. I usually wake up early in the morning to pray at 5 am our Fajr prayer. Why did I slept today up to afternoon? I panicked last night. I don't know. I have these ghosts telling everybody what's inside my mind. I was reading some notes on my notebook to make me sleepy, and then I just felt my heart palpitate. This happened a few times already. I hope it won't happen again scarily. I hope it would just be normal. I thought of a way. Anyway. I thank God I'm still alive. At those times, it was somehow hopeless, but I made it through.

I'm grateful for these 5:

1. Still alive
2. Made it though last night's panic
3. Just ate
4. There are two water bottles here
5. God

It's part of my blog or journal when I was still writing in hand to write what I'm grateful for. About 5. It's my reading for 15 minutes after this. Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God).

Huwebes, Setyembre 20, 2018

Praise be to God

5 Things I'm grateful for this afternoon:

1. Rain
2. Food
3. Good
4. Clue
5. Silence

Bismillah(In the name of Allah). Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God). I am so thankful. That sounded like thunder. 3 times. I've been hearing of a storm. May God protect us all and forgive us our sins. We are tested. I wish that we make it to Jannah(Paradise). Are you alright? May Allah cast off any evil we have in our bodies. Allah is also God. I think it's only the Arabic term. May our Lord bless you all with good health, sound mind, peace, serenity, and bliss. May God grant us an easy path to Jannah(Paradise). May he keep us humble. May he keep us safe.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 19, 2018

It's a new fresh day

5 things I am thankful for this morning:

1. I completed a voluntary fasting for 10 days and added 3 days more for my monthly fasting and this is the 1st day again where I can now eat and drink.
2. Family
3. Allah's mercy toward my love ones and me
4. Heaven for Tin-Tin and other love ones
5. Heaven for us all

Hello. I am so happy to be here once again. I feel we all have a bright and good future ahead of us. I thank God that I am still alive and breathing fine. Alhamdulillah(Praise be to God). I feel sort of like a monk. I am really a Muslim. I must remain humble. It is easier for me to be religious than other people around me like the non-Muslims. You can check my other sites on the links. I have my Facebook profile there, a modding site, and a hobby. I remain patient and thankful to the Lord. I have these ghost friends here, maybe Jinns or supernatural creatures in early Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. Spirits. They are connected to my mind and they tell people what I am thinking. It's been for some years. I think that it started somewhere in 2013 or 12. It was days later after this faces everywhere appeared. I thank God I'm still alive.

Martes, Setyembre 18, 2018

Still Alive

And grateful. Why would I be? If I look around me, I would really be indeed thankful for everything I have. If I compare myself to other less fortunate people like the ones living in the squatter's area, I would be thankful of my blessings and advantages. For example, this computer. This laptop. A lot of poor people would envy me using this and they have been longing to own one. Well, it's not really mine. It's my mother's. She just let me borrow it. We learned how to use a computer in an early age. We had our own computers. I think my older sister had one. Something in my brain was telling me maybe she didn't. But I sort of remember she had one as well. My older brother didn't had one from my parents as he already has his own family. But when we came to his house, he has his own computer too.

I'm still alive. I am grateful. In my simple breathing, I can change the entire course to greatness and positivity. I am really practicing Islam now. This being limp of mine which I hope is temporary, and ghosts that speak what's inside my mind, made me learn to be humble and more religious. At first, I was hesitant to come back to Islam and pray everyday, but now I want to.